# Embedded IDE ## [δΈ­ζ–‡](./README_ZH-CN.md) ## Summary πŸ“‘ > Supported Platforms: **Windows (Windows 7 SP1 and later)**, **Linux x86_64** An embedded development environment for `Cortex-M[0/0+/3/4/7]` on VsCode. Provide `Cortex-M` project development, compilation, burning and other functions. ![preview](https://iot.chipsea.com/cseide/preview.png) *** ## Features πŸŽ‰ * Support development of Cortex-M\[0/0+/3/4/7] projects * Provides rich project templates for quick start projects * One-click compilation, fast compilation, support a variety of mainstream compilation tools (support: gcc-arm-none-eabi) * One key to burn chip, support a variety of mainstream burn device (support: jlink) * Built-in serial port monitor, one click to open the serial port * Supports static checking of projects using Cppcheck * Automatically generates default debug configurations for debugger plug-in `cortex-debug` * Support for writing JS scripts to import arbitrary IDE project source file resources * Built in a variety of utilities, 'CMSIS Config Wizard UI', 'disassembly view', 'program resource view'... *** ## Quick Start πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ 1. Install any of the above compilers 2. Open the **Operations** bar of the extension to set the compiler installation path 3. Click on the `New` or `Import` function in the Operations bar to start your project ***